After three or four minutes of this eventless study even his occasional blinks began to assume major dramatic significance.
The fragment had emotional power, yet its dramatic significance will be clear only when it is presented as part of the completed work.
Almost every reader agrees that the clown has little dramatic significance in the play.
This touch, by now a "Traviata" cliche, added nothing of dramatic significance but did serve to keep the focus on the direction.
But since the 1980's, Pilobolus has increasingly tried to invest its gymnastic technique with dramatic significance.
Between them came several works of various lengths, each of which had both dramatic and spiritual significance.
One review described the novel as being written in a style imitative of Schoenberg, with no scene having more dramatic significance than any other.
Maybe I should settle for the regular, a nice final exam of meaningful questions: "why"; "explain the dramatic significance"; "if".
"Neither singer seems to have reached an adequate understanding of the dramatic significance of the duet"
The concept of two minds already has dramatic significance for psychological understanding and treatment.