Though his hand is made almost invisible, the artist has, of course, set this dramatic stage and posed all the questions.
A dramatic theatrical stage was constructed at the back of the large open meeting room with a spectacular hand painted theater curtain which remains there today.
In late May 2010, a set of two concert events billed as dramatic live stage shows drew sold-out crowds that amounted to over 60,000 attendees.
One admired the elegant dotted rhythms opening the Fantasy and their way of setting Chopin's dramatic stage.
She early on developed an interest in theatre, but unlike her vocally talented parents opted to find a path on dramatic stage.
This new interest in the airport as dramatic stage reflects the convergence of two changes in airports themselves.
In 1812, he was made prefect of the dramatic stage.
This collection suffers from Graham's apparent lack of interest in those ham-and-history-rich dramatic stages.
He was also a musical performer and also acted on the dramatic stage.
One group among these plants, the cycads, survives today and shows the development at a particularly dramatic stage.