The county is mostly rural and hilly, marked by the same dramatic karst topography for which Guilin is famous.
Mr. Calatrava had that history, and the island's dramatic topography, in mind when he designed the $80 million opera house.
Just before the Utah border, the cleft of Black Rock Canyon offers a preview of the dramatic topography to come.
The dramatic topography of the Tetons is due to the geologically recent activity on the Teton fault.
Sightseeing Almost every big city has its designated aerie, but San Francisco, with its dramatic topography, provides a particularly compelling attraction.
In Alaska, a state more than twice the size of Texas and one-third larger than Western Europe, dramatic topography, inclement...
The HEC was originally oriented towards hydro-electricity, due to Tasmania's dramatic topography and relatively high rainfall in the central and western parts of the state.
Because of the relative geological youth of the island and its dramatic and sharp topography, the lowland areas are naturally limited in their extent.
Only with the most dramatic topography can large-scale relief forms be clearly drawn with identical horizontal and vertical scales.
Vertical movement on the fault has caused the dramatic topography of the Teton Range.