Hogarth was far from the first to attempt to dramatically display parallel lives leading from the same start to opposite ends.
Then he "backed over a cattleguard into a driveway, turned around, and sped home to the dude ranch, where, puffing laboriously, he barged into Ladd Devine's office and dramatically displayed the cross's message to Devine and Emerson Lapp, who had been double-checking some figures.
Finally, there is the castle's secret history - Dover's involvement in World War II, now vividly and dramatically displayed at Hellfire Corner.
As with Street-wise, Ms. Miller said success has come through offering quirky merchandise dramatically displayed.
It would also serve to underline the failure of Sussex in his undertaking of the same task seven years earlier, and dramatically display to Queen Elizabeth I of England just how useful her recognition of Shane's hegemony in Ulster could be to her.
In addition to their music they were known for their Charismatic theology, which they would dramatically display through audience participation at their live shows.
The system, dramatically displayed in video images brought back by the pilots, is so accurate that specific parts of buildings can be pinpointed for destruction.
Later that month, Tobin conducted an international news conference from a barge on the East River outside the United Nations headquarters and dramatically displayed an illegal, under Canadian Law, trawl net that had allegedly been cut from a Spanish trawler which was arrested outside the Canadian EEZ, on international waters.
His judgement was: "I realized at once that her strange life is intended by God to reassure all Christians of the historical authenticity of Jesus' life and crucifixion as recorded in the New Testament, and to dramatically display the ever-living bond between the Galilean Master and his devotees."