It would dramatically enhance the speed of graphics applications on computer screens.
Which means getting the most out of the computer investment you've already made, and dramatically enhancing the value of your future investments.
Removing illegal guns from the streets would dramatically enhance safety and reduce fear.
If the improvements in New York are sustained, they will dramatically enhance the social and economic life of the city.
Consumer interaction and understanding of the prospective project is dramatically enhanced leading to higher confidence in the buying process.
Like all the beef here, it's weighed, cut and cooked to order, which dramatically enhances its flavor.
The pleasure of eating is dramatically enhanced when smokers quit.
It is also believed to dramatically enhance mystical energies.
No politician has incentive to change a system by which he or she obtained office and that dramatically enhances the prospect of remaining there.
By using the graphic cards of the networked computers, stability and speed are dramatically enhanced.