Legislation would dramatically restructure an industry that has served Connecticut homes and businesses for more than 100 years.
Zinc was 15.5 dollars higher at 987 dollars per tonne, despite news that Germany's Metallgesellschaft will dramatically restructure its refined metals activities.
"The Stern School has seized the opportunity to set a new standard, not only by dramatically restructuring the content and the method of business education but by building a state-of-the-art facility tailored to that new curriculum."
His decapitation threat resonated inside my head over the weekend after Milbury, now the general manager of the Islanders, dominated the National Hockey League entry draft with a series of trades and amateur selections that dramatically restructured his struggling team.
Ravitch is aware that Fehr is curious about the owners' attempt to dramatically restructure the way the clubs share hundreds of millions in local revenue.
It is believed that 90% of the circa 7,000 languages currently spoken in the world will have become extinct by 2050, as the world's language system has reached a crisis and is dramatically restructuring.
An independent panel yesterday released a proposal that recommends dramatically restructuring New York City's special-education system.
Such "friction-free capitalism is going to create new business models and dramatically restructure some businesses," Mr. Myhrvold said, just as the distribution efficiencies of Wal-Mart are having a profound impact on small stores in scores of communities.
The bailout required both companies to dramatically restructure their operations to demonstrate long-term viability.
When Gov. Jim Florio tried to dramatically restructure the system and raise taxes a few years ago, it nearly cost him his politial career and severely weakened the state's Democratic Party.