From 1928, the economic position of the diggers weakened dramatically because of worked out gravels, a fall in diamond prices and the onset of the Depression.
After the war his eyesight started weakening dramatically, but he went on his editing work, as well as collecting and creatively adapting local folklore.
A constitutionally mandated balanced budget would dramatically weaken the Government's ability to promote prosperity and growth.
This dramatically weakened the Southern regime and encouraged Kim Il-sung to consider an invasion plan against the South.
Analysts noted, however, that the January sales data could be revised downward, particularly if spending weakened dramatically after war broke out in the middle of the month.
So losing that really does dramatically weaken script security as another negative to that kind of proxying.
Suddenly, in October or November, we got news that the price for memory chips was dramatically weakening.
As the new Republican administration settles in, conventional wisdom holds that it will dramatically weaken Washington's regulatory grip.
The price drop dramatically weakened the incentive to continue reducing emissions.
Inflicted injuries dramatically weakened his health.