The drastic impact of the hypermetabolic state on patient nutritional requirements is often understated or overlooked as well.
The presence of heat can have a drastic impact on the virus's lifespan outside the body.
"But then everybody's attention was refocused on the drastic impact that the cuts to immigrants were going to have on California."
That could have a drastic impact under the capital budget, on the city's ability to repair schools, bridges and roads.
"It could have a drastic impact on the courts," she said in an interview today.
Because of its residual nature, even relatively small movements in spending or receipts can have a drastic impact on the deficit.
This holds drastic impacts especially in the case of women, who rely greatly upon such informal relationships.
"It's unusual when one team makes significent changes and sees a drastic impact," Alderson said.
The economic crisis has had a drastic impact on global trade.
The economic crisis, climate change and demographic changes are having a drastic impact on the lives of European citizens.