A landing can also cause injuries; a pilot may try to tough it out and hope to regain control by less drastic means.
To use such unusual, drastic means makes it look like we're involved in a serious wrongdoing.
Instead, I'm working through my problems and feel I can get back to my old weight through less drastic means.
"Incidents can't be encouraged, but on the other side of the token, neither should they be subdued with too drastic means."
That is why we-you-have to take such drastic means to bring matters to a head where Jean is concerned.
Radioactive isotopes could also be isolated from living things, either by building them into stable rock or by more drastic means.
Next time he achieved the present effect, though, he vowed not to use such drastic means.
His successor, Castelar, was compelled to restore order by drastic means.
He also realized that now this hadn't worked, more drastic means might be employed.
When you can't unclog the toilet by less drastic means, removing it is the answer.