A new vision of the American urban future emerged today as regional officials in Southern California voted to impose drastic restrictions on everyday activities to reduce air pollution.
The edict forbade the feud (private revenge) in favor of weregild (financial compensation) and also contained drastic restrictions on the use of the death penalty.
During this time of drastic restriction of female expression, many men started to become raï singers.
Now, in its desperate efforts to save that system from imminent collapse, the Argentine government has imposed drastic restrictions on economic freedom.
He says we must pay still more taxes and he proposes drastic restrictions on the rights of Americans to invest and travel abroad.
California stands on the verge of imposing the most drastic restrictions on water use in its history.
In 1984, new government policies and an agreement between Eirin (the Japanese film-rating board) and the pink film companies put drastic new restrictions on theatrical films.
A period of bad trade and high food prices set in, and the drastic restrictions on Poor Law relief were a source of acute distress.
EBay's brief said the circuit court had imposed a "drastic restriction" on federal judges' authority to tailor remedies to the facts of each case.
We therefore agree to the prohibition of advertising, sponsorship, the promotion of drastic restrictions on smoking in public places and in work places, etc.