The Friday events are expected to draw about 25,000 people.
Last year's show, the second, drew about 20,000 people, and more are expected this year.
The organizers expected to draw about 150,000 people to the main march in Washington.
The festival has been known to draw about 20,000 people over two days.
A vigil at the hospital on Saturday evening drew about 500 people.
The developers estimate that the club will draw about 2,100 people a day, and they hope to have a total of 8,000 members.
It often would draw about 2,000 people to games.
The exercise, part of larger rally that police say drew about 50 people, took no more than 20 minutes.
The meeting, held every fall, usually draws about 400 people.
In fact, last month's full board meeting drew about 160 people.