He lashed out at reporters covering accusations about his private life and drew approving applause from supporters.
She then translated John Esslemont's Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era which drew approving academic review.
These knocks draw approving leers and laughter.
In 1969, that community was seen as antiwar (the occasional political song drew approving roars) peaceful, tolerant, noncompetitive.
He moved in unwarily, and Seiichi Nakamura threw him with a foot sweep that drew approving hisses from the audience.
Our Chinese baby drew approving squeals and fruitless efforts at sign-language conversation.
The confiding tone and relaxed body language ... immediately drew approving reviews.
Mr. Grosz's reference to the statement drew approving applause today, but he attracted a far more boisterous reaction when he attacked what he described as anti-Semitism in the Austrian press.
In 1905 he was transferred to central London, as curate at St Martin's-in-the-Fields, where his energies and enthusiasm drew approving comments.
His words drew approving cheers, and a kind of answer to a question that has been hanging in the air since President-elect Bill Clinton promised to end the Bush Administration's practice of summarily returning Haitians intercepted at sea.