At the start of the conference, the Vatican drew support in its opposition to abortion from Islamic countries as well as Latin American nations.
The atmosphere of the execution drew criticism around the world from nations that both oppose and support capital punishment.
You will find that among these wandering, fighting men, drawn from all climes and nations, the name of Englishman stands high.
The Carthaginian military system was a "mixed" one - armies were made up of contingents drawn from various tribes and nations.
Huge palaces in rural settings, often worked on by craftsmen drawn from other nations, subject or not, were distinctive features.
He was also wary of drawing attention from other European nations, fearing that they might be moved to intervene if the new German state appeared power-hungry.
The standoff complicated diplomatic relationships and drew criticism from other nations, which labeled the United States an arrogant, deadbeat superpower.
The policy has drawn criticism from other nations that have accused the United States of interfering with family planning policies.
In the early 1990s, the country drew considerable criticism from other nations for its underground nuclear tests in French Polynesia.
AIU nurtures a culturally diverse environment, drawing students from various nations and providing opportunities for study abroad programs.