The article drew comment from opponents of the Iraq war, including Peter Kilfoyle, a former defense minister in the Labor government.
But that exchange has drawn strong objections from opponents.
The coverage reports that the decision has drawn some fire from opponents complaining that it shuts out qualified white students.
Few can draw as many penalties from opponents by being so hard to stop in charges toward the net.
The project drew considerable fire from opponents of additional low-income units in the neighborhood.
But because the studies involve the destruction of human embryos, they have drawn sharp criticism from many conservatives and opponents of abortion.
But the plans drew an outcry from teachers, parents and political opponents.
His decision drew criticism not only from political opponents but from members of his own party.
The agency also disputed some claims in the report commissioned by the state, drawing criticism from opponents of the plant.
Of course, it is not the municipal projects that have drawn fire from opponents.