Mr. Vallone made two appearances yesterday with labor leaders to draw attention to his support from unions, including a recently won plum, the endorsement of the garment workers' union.
The request for money from Mr. Pataki's campaign comes as the Republican governor is drawing fire for his budget plan from unions and liberal Democrats.
The Super League clubs draw from provincial unions, and the clubs are divided into two divisions - Eastern and Western.
The Super League draws its teams from provincial unions.
Previously, Balls's endorsement of the government's clampdown on public sector pay had drawn fire only from unions not affiliated to Labour.
Rebel groups have, to be sure, drawn some members from unions.
The fight over the appointments drew unusual interest from unions representing teachers and principals.
Ms. Reed's proposals drew immediate fire from unions, hospital officials and political analysts.
Traditionally the Peronist movement has drawn its strongest support from the working class and sympathetic unions, and has been characterized as proletarian in nature.
Given that half the members are drawn from unions and other employee groups, the government must win the support of the rank and file to make a change.