Designed to save taxpayers $65 billion over the next five years, the cuts draw Canadian income and capital gains tax rates closer to American levels.
They have made it harder for developers to utilize a favorite method of drawing income from land being held for future development.
Your mother drew income from, and controlled, only the printing house.
They came to possess great quantities of land throughout France, from which they drew considerable income.
It is likely that this building program was made possible by the king's peaceful reign and his ability to draw income from the expanding empire.
With only 1,200 residents, it draws valuable income from the sudden deluge of tourists this provokes.
By the time investors start drawing income from these stocks, the return on the original cost can be very attractive.
Unlike others, it did not have any estates from which to draw income.
How could they draw income from real estate and not know its location or its condition?
It allows donors to give money or property to a charity but to draw income from the assets during their lifetime.