The current pilot has drawn masses of participants because of its novelty and because computer-related patents are a particularly contested policy area, but this is no guarantee that similar participation will be seen in other areas and over a long term.
The demonstration drew huge masses of people who spilled beyond the central square into nearby streets and onto the knoll behind the grand cathedral.
Its large size and appearance made it an instant crowd pleaser, drawing masses in all its public appearances.
Although Narayan and Kripalani did not seek office themselves, they became the leading campaigners for the Janata party, drawing great masses of people in rallies across the country.
Obsession, too, seems to motivate the work of Catharyne Ward, an English artist who draws tangled, convoluted masses of hair, the kind a pre-Raphaelite artist would revel in.
The worst problem they encountered was the ascendance of Shas, the Haredi pressure group that drew masses of Mizrahim that otherwise may have voted for Mordechai.
'You have to be in the correct frame of mind to draw masses of money to you.'
His new tariqah was a stunning success, drawing masses of people from all walks of life, including the sultan's family.
A. That's really an interesting thought, that there might be a quality in some people that draw masses of other people to them; human catnip, as it were.
The magnitude and intensity of that low pressure area, combined with the Greenland High, would be drawing great masses of air south from the frozen wastes of the polar seas.