At various times it has drawn soldiers from seven nations into a country the size of Western Europe.
On April 24, 1973 the two of them drew airplanes, tanks, and soldiers on the streets of Jerusalem, accompanied by the caption, "Who needs a parade?"
Those fake explosives appear intended to waste the time of explosive-disposal squads or to draw soldiers into an ambush of small-arms fire.
While the Seventh Crusade drew Muslim soldiers away from Palestine, John led an expedition against Bethsan in early 1250.
And if we draw enough soldiers from his army of invasion because they must go north to meet you instead, he will fail in the west.
If the scream drew soldiers who were not assigned to the north wing, the exercise would prove self-defeating.
Some even accused him of having allowed himself to be used as a bait to draw Dutch soldiers into ambush.
I meant to say that the daring of his intended plans draws new soldiers to his side every day.
Pierced twice in the throat, his right eye skewered, he succumbed without producing a scream that might have drawn other police or soldiers.
He also used the time spent in the Russian army to draw Russian soldiers and published these drawings as postcards in the same year (1915).