News of the agreement immediately drew fresh threats from al-Shabaab, which has been fighting Somalia's Western-backed government since 2007.
He drew far louder and longer ovations for his repeated denunciations of abortion and threats to the party for any waffling on the issue.
This drew threats of legal action from the members of the NRL judiciary.
The paper quickly drew threats and attacks for its reporting on corruption by government ministers.
(Typically, noncompliance draws threats of even tighter restrictions or of withholding Federal highway funds.)
His reputation as an orator put him in high demand, but his zealous criticism of the Know Nothing Party drew threats against his life.
Virtually anyone tried under the law, convicted or not, has drawn public threats and hate mail from ultranationalists.
He organized local residents to demand that the police shut down a neighborhood crack house, a move that drew threats against him from local drug peddlers.
But the program drew criticism and threats.