Another drawing, titled "The Longing," shows a horse striding forward, and a man with outstretched arms atop it.
One catches a sense of this dynamic in the suite of drawings titled "Miscellaneous Studies" by Chen Hongshou.
The best piece in the show, however, is a funny drawing, titled "The Devil Hates Good Art" (Johnson).
One drawing, titled "The Politically Appropriate Brain," shows a pie chart inside a man's head.
Both appeared on the cover of the second issue as a black and white drawing titled Detroit 1969.
Kabakov lent a series of drawings titled Shower.
He is especially remembered for a widely published drawing (a memento mori or vanitas) titled All Is Vanity.
Across the way are drawings titled "Celtic Knot," whose spiraling dotted designs seem to map human movement, motion brought to life by the videos.
Her imaginings lean more toward the hideous and the fantastical in her ink-on-paper drawing titled "Life Lines."
Jeannine Beckman of Flanders made a sensitive drawing titled "My Friend."