Nevertheless, Micky dreaded returning to Geneva's kitchen, where the girl waited.
Dolph dreaded returning to tell Cheiron and Chex this, but saw nothing else to do.
She dreads returning to Paris and wishes they could get away from the fury of the revolution.
She had been dreading returning to the hospital.
But having wrapped up what he could at the moment, he had been dreading returning to his office.
The girls dreaded returning to Campbell's Landing with their damaged craft.
When Stephen meets Isabelle's sister Jeanne, he tells her how he dreads returning to the front line after leave.
She felt deep relief when she left him and she dreaded returning again.
Dreading returning to his dingy apartment.
He dreaded returning to it, he writes, "like one dreads seeing a bad-smelling distant elderly relative lying prone in a rank and wrong nursing home."