Marsh saw the worry in the man's eyes, the dreadful anticipation.
All the anxiety, the dreadful anticipation of capture and punishment lifted from his childish shoulders.
Lincoln called out, feeling a dreadful anticipation.
The afterlife for the damned is dreadful anticipation of Judgment Day, while the elect happily await the resurrection of the dead.
Charlie felt a moment of dreadful anticipation - then saw Hans take one swipe with his machete.
Then she looked back at the hut and waited, everything inside her frozen in an agony of dreadful anticipation.
The sudden illusion of freedom, combined with the certainty of its immediate loss, gave him a dreadful anticipation of his unknown destination.
Her heart slowed in dreadful anticipation.
She could see a dreadful anticipation in his eyes.
His corpse-pale face was full of a dreadful anticipation.