Discipline tightened, and men moved with caution, for to be captured by this dreadful enemy meant more than death.
Not so very long ago, he was in that same position--in a vastly inferior ship fleeing from a dreadful enemy that had every possible advantage.
But these are dreadful enemies you carry within yourself - in time destructive as bullets.
He was a humble and simple man but when he took the reins of the freedom struggle, he became a dreadful enemy of the British.
He concludes that his arguments ended up angering Kahola which led to the unfortunate curse, anger being the dreadful enemy of man.
Oh, Taita, tell me that he is not slain by this dreadful enemy!
She is a dreadful enemy to those who oppose her just and all-encompassing will.
I must have one hundred and fifty of your finest warriors to protect me, for a dreadful enemy lies in wait for me.
My lady is a dreadful enemy.
You should see the dreadful enemy before they see you.