After four hours of this walking, I was surprised not to find myself dreadfully hungry.
He felt dreadfully hungry.
Yes," sighed Eureka; "and I also can see you again, and the sight makes me dreadfully hungry.
He was dreadfully hungry, and he looked as if he'd had a bad fright.
Jude said he would like to buy her a little present of some sort, and then she confessed, with something of shame, that she was dreadfully hungry.
He will be dreadfully hungry, for he has taken so much exercise since his last meal.
"Dreadfully hungry," answered the Tiger, snapping his jaws together with a fierce click.
They've fed me, but she must be dreadfully hungry.
"That wolf hasn't been fed for a thousand years and it's dreadfully hungry."
It now centered mostly in his stomach - he was dreadfully hungry.