But she had gotten pregnant, once, then twice, and their dream had never materialized.
But for the doctors who do not see more patients per day, as the managed care companies wish, the dream has not materialized.
His original career plan was to be a professional singer, but this dream never materialized.
The dream of a common seminary did not materialize.
Przhevalsky's dreams of taking land from China did not materialize.
The grand dream of a developed community along the banks of the White River never materialized.
His dream of being an aviator also did not materialize.
Their dream of a town never materialized and the tree for which the site was named was cut down.
It had been hoped years earlier to build a fine arts auditorium when the old Lee gym stage was removed, but that dream never materialized.
The dream did not materialize, but the name lives on in the adjacent neighbourhood.