I don't need a dream story right now.
Later,the movie targeting the men folks on their attitude towards women, hooks them with a common man's dream story.
One of these was a dream story, enthusiastically begun, but perhaps with insufficient plot to carry it through, for it never reached conclusion.
The dream story was never completed.
The brain, however, probably constructed dream stories that made it seem as if the Germans were speaking correctly.
This is meant to be an American dream story, so let's be grateful for Gabrielle, the doubter.
The book uses the dream story of a journey through the English county of Bedfordshire, to London.
It's like everything is this big dream story.
The episodic dream stories in Volume 3 continued to revolve around beer, women and Ralph getting into trouble.
He was sure this would torment any writers enough to prevent them from messing with any more dream stories.