The novel is characterized by stories like this: a collection of Charlotte's memories and the narrator's memories, intertwining so that the text moves seamlessly through their lives in a dreamlike fashion.
Crouching, panic-stricken, in the brush, he watched, in a dazed and dreamlike fashion, the snogs murder his parents.
Cryptic but appropriate: the theme of "Links," developed in dreamlike but compelling fashion, is the corrupting sway of guns over human truth.
The edges of it drifted slowly, in a dreamlike fashion, more like a sluggish liquid than a gas.
Soon the early bird seems to be saying, in dreamlike fashion: "Guess what - you've just - won!
Slowly, Reynolds lowered his gun and walked in in a hesitant, almost dreamlike fashion, his face masked in shock.
They resumed walking, in a dreamlike fashion, as they recounted what they had seen.
In fact, there's some similarity between Ms. Halpert's journal and Kafka's, which also careers in dreamlike fashion from topic to topic.
Not looking at the tribune, moving in a slow, dreamlike fashion, she took Hemond's sword from his hands into her own.
"The Haunting of Hill House," for instance, turns upon supernatural manifestations of a fairly conventional nature, but in a dreamlike, introspective fashion.