His mother describes him as a dreamy boy who loved history and played for hours with toy soldiers.
A dreamy, introspective boy, he recalls his mother reminding him recently that, aged about six, he used to see people in colours.
And a fine broad back for carrying small, dreamy boys.
Barbara Kingsolver's breathtaking new novel, "Lacuna," follows this quiet, dreamy boy, Harrison William Shepherd, from 1929 to 1951.
Bishop was a sweet and dreamy boy of enormous talent who felt so humiliated by accusations that he had lied about his age to play that he quit school.
A dreamy teen-age boy was doing his homework under headphones in the lobby all the time I was there.
Meanwhile, JoJo, the reluctant hero of Whoville, has become that archetypal Seuss character - the dreamy boy whose parents worry that he thinks too much.
M. is an unusually Zen teenage boy - dreamy and ruminative about his personal relationships.
So Richard was sent to fetch his violin, and the big, dreamy boy played a marvellous piece to his master and to Elizabeth.
Let it be some dreamy boy of about seventeen with his hair cut in 'curtains' and some really nice gear, then she could show off to Sam and the others!