Attending the opening of a new concert hall has tended to be dreary business in recent decades.
Then some rather dreary business in which I will not involve you.
Now that this dreary business is over, why don't we have a drink in the lounge downstairs?
It is, you may be interested to hear, a dreary and infuriating business.
To see your coat torn, denotes the loss of a close friend and dreary business.
Darkness falls too soon, we said, and going home under a lowering sky is a dreary business.
Delegate the dreary, difficult business of teaching self-discipline to other carers.
Why make such a fuss about abandoning so dreary a business?
It's just that until now, their efforts have been pretty much restricted to the dreary business of pointing out female 'sexism'.
"Are we quite through with this dreary business?"