After his day at Morgan Stanley, going over the dreary details of the sale, Dwan walked to Earls Court, then took a taxi home.
I asked, trying to remember the dreary details of local.
Brian did, in cold and dreary detail.
It lacks, however, the scope and flair of the first half, and its dreary details need not concern us.
To make matters worse, the waiter another small, dark-eyed, Gallic-looking individual, insisted on taking us through the menu in maximum, dreary detail.
I asked, trying to remember the dreary details of local history Frank had spent hours regaling me with over the last week.
Why, when I started in, I had the dreariest, deadliest details imaginable.
And then there's . . . but no need to burden you with too many dreary details.
These dreary details are the prickly bushes in that enchanted garden, and you are foolish indeed if you begin your walks by butting your head into one.
What seems to be every last concert, recording session and account of Morrison's legendarily boorish behavior is rehashed in dreary detail.