I looked back at the misshapen, starved, sick, stumbling hulks of men who trod the dreary round of the windlass.
Each day brought a long, dreary round of backbreaking, finger-burning labor, made bearable only by the man who brought the water dipper.
Through 12 dreary rounds in one of the most harmless heavyweight title fights in history, the graduate literally held Mike Tyson in too much esteem.
He must go the dreary round of his mind again and find out.
They were seldom at home, life a dreary round of strange places and stranger people, bad food and worse weather.
Fifteen dreary rounds.
However, it was at least a change, a diversion in the long and dreary round of dictatorial duties.
He was something new in the dreary, monotonous round of captivity and heart-breaking labour.
Life for many is a dreary round of work and confinement in the hotel.
But when we return to the boring, linear reality you know, the clock hands will resume their dogged, dreary rounds.