Only dreary, gas-cloud-littered space reached out in all directions from the ship.
We were coming to the great dreary spaces of fashionable London--more dreary, one must admit, even than the dreary plebeian spaces.
When the mist shifted a little now and again the children saw a dreary space of flat marsh on either side.
Charlotte Brontë conjured Thule as one of those "forlorn regions of dreary space."
Here is where the book really shines - in taking the same dreary spaces and human archetypes we all know, and distilling them down to a kind of monstrous purity.
A £24-million project transformed it from a dreary, stern space to a lovely, cream-coloured airy square in 2006, and the centre is now packed with people seven days a week.
In the 1920's and even earlier, the classic urban kitchen of the affluent was a large, dreary space where few family members ever made so much as a piece of toast themselves.
On one of the dreary spaces of the settlement six white-tilted wagons, each with twelve oxen, are standing on their way to a distant part.
These will replace dreary, bureaucratic spaces with little architectural distinction.
At Rome, there is the same arrangement of Pits in a great, bleak, open, dreary space, that I have already described as existing in Genoa.