After the dam was created dredging equipment was brought to clear the surrounding area to expand the stream into a lake.
Conventional dredging equipment can only reach to a depth of about 25 metres.
The serious miners rig their sluice and dredging equipment on a small pontoon boat and anchor it 100yd offshore to suck up the more productive sand along.
He advocated for construction of a base to commence quickly using improvised dredging equipment from the Panama Canal.
While steaming back to Washington, the ship experimented with her dredging equipment, and arrived at the nation's capital on 25 March 1883.
Now the trick was scrounging the financing to buy the needed dredging equipment.
The city's epidermis here is an odd mixture of warehouse buildings, parking lots, abandoned railroad tracks, unused dredging equipment, rotting wharfs.
After 1906 the town went into decline and heavy dredging equipment destroyed the site in 1911.
But it is merely one of 81 pieces of dredging equipment that have been out on the harbor at various times over the last year.
Huge dredging equipment and tractors have been leveling the hills, so that the area resembles not so much a park as a strip mine.