Mrs Hyre also claimed encounters with darkly tanned, soberly dressed gentlemen who rode up to her office in black Cadillacs.
Impure in Heart talks to Shamefaced Lanky at length; at first his words turn into finely dressed "little gentlemen" who make their way across the room and crawl into Lanky's ears.
Carriages and hansom cabs lined the kerbs, disgorging elegantly dressed ladies and immaculate gentlemen and their servants, dozens of people arriving for what neighbors must imagine was an elegant dinner party.
There was no doubt that the hue and cry was after the two elegantly dressed gentlemen whom I had seen enter the dilapidated house in the Rue Blanche.
But the only visitors to be seen were Sir Archibald's political cronies, severely dressed gentlemen whose curt nods made Miss Worthington feel woefully inadequate and twittery as a caged chicken.
Two meticulously dressed gentlemen in the corner were sipping their drinks through straws.
As she turned a corner, she spied two elegantly dressed gentlemen of the court, strolling and conversing.
Among the clutter of books, flutes, bread baskets, telescopes and rolls of wallpaper, finely dressed ladies and gentlemen of the town conversed with British officers in friendly, animated fashion.
Big as it was, the hall was quite crowded with elegantly dressed ladies and gentlemen, but they all pressed back on both sides to make an aisle for us.
Fancy, my dear Betsy, this house filled with 2,000 well dressed gentlemen and ladies!