"She's just a girl who works part time in her aunt's dressmaking shop and part time in a store where I went to buy a book."
She is a hard-driving business woman but has always stayed close to Lena, whom she's persuaded to set up a dressmaking shop in San Francisco.
She then worked in a dressmaking shop.
After graduating from Tonawanda High School, she worked in the office of a lumber yard, and then ran a dressmaking shop from her home.
His mother ran her own dressmaking shop, and his brother Charles sold newspapers.
Her mother owns Sewing With Love, a dressmaking shop in Green Bay.
The bride was the co-owner of a dressmaking shop in Paris.
She kept a dressmaking shop in Wuster, a big Nuin town.
She took a job at a small dressmaking shop, which prepared apparel for many top fashion designers, on Madison Avenue in Manhattan.
"I only wanted to stay in my mother's dressmaking shop quietly and sew clothes."