He also makes dried-flower arrangements, huge baskets of roses and colorful mixed bouquets, expensive but long lasting.
Handmade baskets, dried-flower arrangements and herb wreaths will also be displayed and sold, and there will be Polish foods, entertainment and dancing.
Checkered with bleached cornfields and pockets of prematurely bare woodlands, the area is a wind-rustled landscape with the brittle beauty of a dried-flower arrangement.
She also favors mirrored walls and dried-flower arrangements.
Ms. Leon said she is growing bulbs, making jars of potpourri and creating dried-flower arrangements with big bows.
Inside this cozy wood-paneled cottage are pictures of wild ducks, duck decoys, brass ducks and a duck-shaped, dried-flower arrangement over the fireplace.
Lovely dried-flower arrangements in brass urnsþthat would be the senora's touch, Tess assumed as she wandered.
It is filled with dried-flower arrangements, giant eggs, chandeliers interwoven with dried leaves, dwarf trees and fresh flowers.
Sketches and paintings hung on the silver walls, highlighted by spotlights, and a stunning dried-flower arrangement softened the starkness of the room.
In walked Jeanne Chappell, a self-taught designer who creates dried-flower arrangements.