Part Three HELLWORLD It lay a thousand miles beneath them, blue and beautiful in their viewscreens, wrapped in a fluffy blanket of pale clouds, drifting endlessly across its face.
The streets are as wide as fields and the cathedral seems to drift endlessly upwards, making it the tallest wooden building in the world.
On the television set that is part of "The Entertainer," a pianist playing the Scott Joplin tune of the same name seems to drift endlessly back and forth in a white space.
Kane drifted endlessly through infinite darkness.
Instead he dreamed of drifting on a sea whose currents ran hot and cold, as fog drifted endlessly in front of his face.
Then everything began to spiral off into a vast, depthless void, and she was swept away into clouds of endlessly drifting shadows.
A steady gray rain drifted endlessly down from an ash-dark sky, and the sodden fronds of vegetation all drooped mournfully to touch the gluey soil.
If the mathematical calculations were incorrect, rather than an elliptical orbit taking them to the edge of the solar system and back again, they might instead drift out of the solar system and voyage endlessly.
If they were lucky, they might load into a lifeboat half of a tenth of a thousandth of the value of what they'd send drifting endlessly in emptiness.
The thread drifted endlessly down, loop after loop of black line curving out of a gray-white sky.