Big Daddy storms out of the room, leading the party gathered out on the gallery to drift inside.
It merged with the frame of the window and began to drift inside.
Stephanie drifted inside, returning with coffee that tasted of chicory and cinnamon.
Opened all four of the Tahoe's doors so the snow would drift inside and bury it quicker.
Drifting inside and out, he scored a game-high 21 points, and all of them appeared hard earned.
Even though the rest of their ship's systems remained deactivated, the hatch opened and a cool, metal-scented breeze drifted inside.
Four more plumbers joined the sewer cleaning, and two eventually drifted inside.
Lucien steered the skimmer into the garage-the interior darkened to night as they drifted inside.
Z Nobody spoke as she drifted inside.
Kira drifted inside, looking around at the familiar furnishings and taking in the ambience that brought her so many bittersweet memories.