The resident drilled holes by hand, with a polished metal brace and bit.
They have had it drilled into their heads by assorted medical and legal functionaries over the years.
Moves drilled in him by long hours of weary practice came almost automatically to the pilot.
It is a message drilled home by public health officials.
Poor kid's had that stuff drilled into him by the Man.
Over 50 other inventors of improvements helped make his initial seed drill a machine in common use by 1900.
You saved me from having a hole drilled through my head by your first officer.
These were the old kind, drilled and dug by hand a century ago and made to last.
The officer had gone down, drilled through the face by the Russian's shot, but the other two jerked their rifles up, too late.
But if he drilled them hard enough, by God, the respect would come.