This is a Great break through for smaller portable water well drilling rigs, that before were limited.
Four drilling rigs including Ensco 74 were damaged by Ike, but it was the only rig missing.
In more recent times drilling rigs are expensive custom-built machines that can be moved from well to well.
The White House says it favors raising the $75 million cap on liability damages for drilling rigs.
The floating canopies, he said, can look like pterosaur wings or drilling rigs.
There were drilling rigs, and several large pits dug into the ice.
To minimize pollution, salt water produced by drilling rigs would be pumped back into the underground formations.
Both of these fields use offshore drilling rigs as a production base.
With Hurricane Dennis on the horizon, there is concern that damage to drilling rigs could send the price of oil even higher.
Waste has come in from drilling rigs, industrial sites, homes, a hardware store and a hospital.