Food supplies ran low and salt contaminated the drinking supply.
Health officials have concluded that the sites could pose some risk to humans and nature, but that the risk to the drinking supply was low.
He said the 60-mile slick had already flowed past the provincial capital, Changsha, without contaminating the drinking supply.
"It is a primary drinking supply for tens of thousands of residents," he said of the reservoir.
Since 1995, treated discharge has been banned in two zones, measuring approximately 60 miles, that are part of municipal drinking supplies.
The other tower is a water tower, meant to offer additional fire protection as well as a drinking supply.
Until then, local water had been added to the drinking supply, most of which comes from upstate reservoirs.
In practice, this system allows nitrates to leach into the water table and enter the drinking supply.
The fresh ground water below, our drinking supply, as well as the hundreds of ponds that dot the landscape link us all.
The spill contaminated the drinking supplies of over 2.5 million Hungarians.