Elend felt his life dripping away, the last trickle from an empty glass.
Also let's assume that none of the water dripped away - all was absorbed by the towels.
We'll light up every candle in the house and let them drip away to stubs.
A glance towards the still, which was dripping away, filling the air with a scent of hot oil and cut grass.
After the 2000 elections even symbolic support dripped away.
It took a second or two longer, but it, too, dripped away.
He thought of the emerald beads on the huge flat jungle leaves, the way they dripped away, leaving nothing behind.
His mind was a sponge that absorbed everything and never let a recollection drip away.
Grasping a 24-ounce cup, she nodded at the coffeemakers, which were dripping away.
Her tears dropped to his old head and dripped away, unregarded.