The game features three game modes and six different intersections to play, as well as seven drivable vehicles.
The original game boasted three different drivable vehicles: a jeep, a main battle tank, and a hovercraft.
Reports also indicated that the Opel Astra is a drivable vehicle.
There are 7 drivable vehicles available to steal or purchase:
The single-player and multi-player game feature drivable vehicles that may be used in combat.
The Mach 5, the vehicle driven by the protagonist Speed, was a drivable vehicle.
These big-budget war games are starting to blend together, with the drivable vehicles and the globe-trotting and the military technology.
Other than regular infantry combat, the game also features drivable vehicles.
In addition, the player can unlock a bonus car, so the number of drivable vehicles totals to 25.
Speedometer - used in most games which feature drivable vehicles.