Edging down a long drive called Monks Walk, we arrived at a brick house that still resembles a fortress-castle.
That drive, called Campaign for a Responsible Congress, was created largely to defeat Republican candidates.
Now that they're on their own, Nikita and Michael are on the run with a hard drive called "the black box".
The original drives, called B-type, had a native uncompressed data rate of 5MB/second.
The follow-on drives, called C-type, had a native uncompressed data rate of 7MB/second.
For example, a file in the default directory of "drive" 2 called would have a complete specification of .
Although it is not apparent to the user, one file can actually be spread out around the hard drive in different blocks, called clusters.
The drive, called "Home Free," is aimed at winning pledges of $25 contributions from up to 40 million Americans to produce a $1 billion reward.
The specs for the drive called for a loss of no more than twenty percent, so one of thirty-seven percent was cause for concern.
Upon doing this, a new drive called X: would appear under the My Computer virtual folder in Windows Explorer.