In practice, a bad hard drive controller (which magically goes away while you're doing pagefile stuff) can also do this.
Users plugged components like floppy drive controllers and memory into the slots.
The drive controller can also be configured as a phase converter having single-phase converter input and three-phase inverter output.
The basic drive controller can be configured to selectively include such optional power components and accessories as follows:
Using the newly installed drive controllers, the Lord Vanek could return to that point in time from some future location, flying a closed timelike loop.
Later models included a manufacturer-supplied floppy drive controller (that could be plugged into a Q-Bus slot) by default.
Unless you are an advanced hacker, make sure the new drive is compatible with your existing hard drive controller.
The drive connects to the drive controller and other hard drives, if any, through a flat gray ribbon cable.
Advanced floppy and hard drive controllers (mostly for OS-9)