When each fell back exhausted, there was another to take his place and keep the steady blast of air driving deeply into the kiln.
Murdock's blade drove deeply into the enemy's side.
They drove to Birmingham occasionally and were deeply, seriously interested in the problems of such a parish as St Andrew's.
The long blade drove deeply into the wooden vanity, missing her by inches.
Made love to her, her legs locked about him as he drove deeply inside her.
He spun around just in time for the blade to drive deeply into his chest.
They could drive deeply into the reefs and undersea valleys where the Fishmen had their homes and workshops.
The Western Pleasure rider's seat is deep, with a long stirrup, to assist the horse in driving deeply from the rear and elevating the shoulders.
She would have had him, but there was his companion, swords extended, blade driving deeply into Danica's thigh.