Since 1956, amphibious vehicles, or used trucks of United States origin, drove to and from the island.
The Shadow's purpose was to drive invaders from the island and then go after them.
"I thought even Bard had had his warning, when he was driven from the island before," she whispered.
It is that or drive them from the island.
Looking ahead, he told the group he thought the move would inflict great pain on average Haitians without driving the rulers from the island.
Shall we drive them from the island, back onto the swords and torches of the bandits who drove them east?
After a series of successful actions, Paoli drove the Genoese from the whole island except for a few coastal towns.
His people were driven from the island, and Strang's kingdom-together with most of his royal regalia-vanished.
Analysts perceive varying degrees of intensity in the desperation that is driving the refugees from the island.
This Vijaya goes on to do, vanquishing the demons and driving them from the island, all the time with Kuveni at his side.