In the marines' attack on Falluja this month, troops drove headlong at an enemy that stood and fought to the death.
Harry understood the feeling, and drove onto the hard shoulder, narrowly avoiding driving headlong into the ditch.
And he drove headlong over a slanting path and straight down into a hollow, making poor Anne groan again.
He drove headlong into the weeds, beyond them into a field of corn, and then cut the lights.
He was no longer wheeling across the room; he was driving headlong into his attackers, meeting them just within the doorway.
It may also explain the administration's so far self-defeating legal strategy in the terrorism-related cases, which seems to amount to driving headlong into a judicial roadblock.
I watched Llenlleawg flying into battle, scattering the foe before him, driving headlong into the fight.
The Minota swung around on her heel and drove headlong into the breakers.
With a rattling battle cry, he drove headlong into them, scattering attackers in all directions.
The slide ended in a metallic crash as the truck drove headlong into the rust-splotched barrier.