No matter what he did, at least one of them would drive into his neck before he could move.
Four days later in Madrid, a 76-year-old man drove a knife into his wife's neck, killing her.
The elf leaped right up the creature's chest and drove his sword hard into its neck.
As it hit the ground, the sword was driven deeply into the dragon's neck.
Before the Pagan could rise, the giant drove his right knife into the gang member's neck.
I am old, but my hand can drive this needle into your neck before you escape me.
Its point drove into Ornilan's neck, tearing through skin and flesh.
Each step drove a fiery needle into his neck from below.
The doctor points out that the last time Salinger was given a pencil, he drove it into his own neck.
I just drove my fist into his neck under his chin and didn't wait to see what would happen.