Pulling the door back to its fullest extent, he drove his dagger into a crack in the floor, propping it open.
Entreri looked hard at the speaker, wanting nothing more than to drive his dagger deep into the dark elf's chest.
He startled her so much when he stepped out from behind a tree that she nearly drove her dagger into his chest.
He drove his dagger into the chaodyn's chest with such force that they both toppled over backward and crashed to the ground.
Mallory drove his dagger through the first one's eye and into his brain.
I would drive my dagger into the heart of every drow child!
With a despairing cry, the monk drove his little dagger into his own side.
Sharon driving her long slim dagger to the hilt into another's back, reducing their numbers now to six.
Sharon striking again, driving her bloody dagger deep.
Three times I drove my dagger into his heart.